04 April, 2006

Show TMnet Some Love

If you do any amount of search across blogs for the term "TMnet" (plus various forms of expletives) in the past few days, you'll see an unmistakable pattern of hatred, scorn and utter resignation from the masses.
It sure sucks to be TMnet Customer Interaction Centre right now. What many of us forget to realize is that, at the other end of the line, these service reps are people with feelings and, more importantly, jobs to help fill their ricebowl. Before you make any assumption, I do not work for TM and I've never been in the call centre business. But this episode reminds me of a website that publishes Amazon.com's Customer Service phone number. (Backgrounder: Amazon does not display the phone number on its website, which is driving unsatisfied customers mad).

Here's the excerpt, with some adaptation (in italic) for you to think about.
A note about calling *TMnet customer service.

Remember when calling *TMnet customer service that you've got something in common with the representative you'll talk to on the phone. You've both been put in a crappy situation by the management of *TMnet.

When you call the number you may be put on hold for a while. Most call centre operators are not technical experts, but rather rely on prepared scripts. You may be asked to do seemingly obvious tasks which you have attempted before calling the number. Chances are, you're frustrated, angry, and at the end of your rope by the time a customer service rep answers.

But that rep is also feeling the effects of *TMnet's decision. The person on the phone isn't a member of management with decision-making power. They're somebody that needed a job, and they took this one. *TMnet's decision not to adequately train their staffs or employ more technical oriented service engineers means that everybody they talk to is like you: frustrated, angry, and at the end of their rope. It's got to make their job really hard. Wouldn't it suck to have to talk to people who are pissed off all day long for eight hours a day? I'd hate to come to work!

So, when you call, try to keep in mind that you and your customer service rep are in the same boat. You can bet that they're having a terrible day.

* Insert your favourite company name

By the way, TMnet Streamyx Customer Interaction Center number is 1-300-88-9515 (8am - 12am, Monday - Sunday). You could also email streamyx@tm.net.my or Fax: 03-26870000.


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