Basic Instinct 2 Uncensored Sneak Preview
It was fun, admit it, to watch Sharon Stone in 1992's Basic Instinct, getting Michael Douglas and his cop buddies cross-eyed just by uncrossing her legs on a day she forgot to wear underwear. The laughs to be had in this deliciously awful sequel are all unintentional. A bummer for film buffs, but a ball for fans of the misbegotten. Take the opener, when Stone, back as bisexual crime novelist and accused serial killer Catherine Tramell, drives her car off a London bridge while a soccer star finger-f***s her to a screaming orgasm. And they say Hollywood forgot how to make movies for the whole family.
I'm not sure whether this movie will make it to our shores intact, if at all. If you can't wait, here's a sneak preview of her much talked about, no body double, skin scene. WARNING: NSFW - contains suggestive graphic which may not be suitable for minors.
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