11 July, 2005

Customers are Idiots

Time: 4.30 pm

Ring. Ring.

Customer: Hi, I received the email you sent earlier but I couldn't open the attachment.
Me: What happened when you tried to open it?
Customer: Oh, I cannot even try to open it . It's still downloading.
Me: It's only a 44kb Word document.
Customer: Well, it's been downloading for two and a half hour.
Me: That can't be. Have you tried downloading from a different computer?
Customer: Well, actually I need the file urgently. Can you please send the file over?
Me: I can email the attachment again.
Customer: No, I need the file now. Can you please come over and bring me the file?
Me: Err.. sure, Mr. Customer.

Well, to make a long sad story short, I took the half-hour drive through rain and traffic to hand deliver a bleeping floppy diskette.

Customers are always right, but they are bloody idiots most of the time, too.


At 9:35 am, July 12, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

#1, customer is always right.
#2, if customer is wrong, please refer to #1.

hahaha, this always true right?

yeah, last 2 weekends i spent few hours playing with the map to look for dubai palm islands, phiphi islands...

At 11:14 am, December 11, 2005, Blogger Alex Allied said...

Lolz. careful on those floppy disks. You could be delivering faulty disks. Even if it works on your PC, but it doesn't work on the other end. USB pen drives are safer medium to me.

Some customers are idiots I agree.


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